Sunday, March 13, 2011

A small break....

Sadly I have to take a small break. Due to family changes I am needing to work 6 days a week for a while. It is a must and I need to support my family.

I feel so guilty for sitting my works aside, but it is hard to focus when there are other things that HAVE to be taken care of.

I will be back soon....back on here...back to writing...and back to reading every one's blogs. I feel kind of defeated right now, like I am letting everyone and myself down.

Keep moving forward....

Thanks :-(

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day by day

I just finished reading Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. I would definitely recommend to any of you if you are needing something to sick your nose in. I finished all 563 pages of this book in two days. I have to say that I have a bit of an obsession.

I am also excited to take a writing class by Lynnette Labelle in April. If any of you are interested you should check it out.

WIP-   I am finally progressing on this manuscript. I am 10,000 + words in, and hope to have at least 55,000 for my first draft by 3-31-11. Since I have it completely outlined I am hoping for no blocks!

The Ansley Files

10008 / 55000 words. 18% done!
I would also like to thank everyone who has jumped on board to follow my blog. It truly means a lot to me, and I appreciate it. Thanks friends!
Hair tip of the day:  Taking a multi-vitamin will help keep your hair and nails healthy. Not only will it keep your hair strong, but it helps me from loosing to much ( I shed a ton). On average everyone looses about 100 hairs a day, but some people like me loose more. I can use any help I can get!!
Skin tip: Taking fish oil will keep your skin looking young and fresh. Omega 3 is an important addition to your diet!

Friday, February 25, 2011


"Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go." E. L. Doctorow

I find this to be incredibly true. I am learning everytime I sit down to write (or stand when I only have a second to scribble an idea down)
I wrote for hours today. It was so much fun and relaxing. (The kids were at grandma's today)
I hope I have another day like this again soon.

Hair tip of the day:If you are in serious need for a bang trim, but the rest of your hair is fine, I strongly incourage you to still go into your salon. I fix homecut bangs every week. Your stylist will usually have an option for you to just come in for a bang trim and only charge you $4-6. And you may be lucky and they won't charge you at all. But believe's worth the trip!


My first inspiration to write came from R.L.Stine. I began reading goosebump books at a babysitters house in the 3rd grade. I instantly fell in love.
He has sold over 350 million books, and is still creating stories and T.V. show. I could only hope to have half of the success he has. (But who am I kidding I would like to have the same success or more hehe...I can dream can't I)

My second inspiration came from V.C. Andrews. I was obsessed with the Flowers in the Attic Book Series. I read other books by the name V.C. Andrews but they were written by other authors using her name. Though the books were good, they were not the same.

The last author that really gave me that extra push was none other than J.K. Rowling. I admire her more than any other writer, not just because I am a big fan of Harry Potter, but because of her story. She is a genuine person, and I LOVE HER!

I should also mention that I adore Steohenie Meyer. Though I was already writing when she came out with the Twilight Saga, I am still in complete AWW of the love story she created.

Now that I look at my own writing I  realize how every single one of these authors have inspired me. Not only can my writting be creepy and twisted (R.L. and V.C), but it can also be magical and filled with unconditional love (J.K. and Stephenie)....I love so many aspects of these books. It really makes sense to me now how I try to achieve everything that I love in every novel I write.

What books and authors inspire any of you to write? What favorite books do any of you love to reread?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Souless

Really excited! Just started a new short story. I will post the entire story soon, but for now.....

I hadn't fooled my psychiatrist into thinking that I was normal. He was the only one still suspicious of me, and I found that unnerving. It's not that I had much to hide, but since the accident I knew that I couldn't possibly be the same as I was before. It was just a fact that I wasn't normal, and that I didn't trust Dr. Jonathon Barry. I could taste the bitter harshness of his soul and I didn't like it one bit.

Hair tip of the day:Do Not Brush Wet Hair

Never use a brush on wet hair, and do not over-brush wet hair. Wet hair is more easily damaged than dry hair (when hair is wet, its hydrogen bonds have been broken and the hair is therefore in a more vulnerable state). On wet hair, it is best to use either a wide-toothed comb or a wide-brist...led brush with rounded tips.

Hair tip of the day of borrowed from my friend and coworker Abby Silcott...thanks girl!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Just Write

Failure is not the worst thing in the world. The very worst is not to try. Anonymous

I have underestimated the challenges that life brings. I realize that maybe I have filled my plate too full and the contents are spilling over. Tomorrow will be a new day...

Tonight I will just write. No goals, no worries....just write.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Ansley Files

   Small excerpt from my WIP...  
    The taste of death lingered patiently at the back of my throat. It was bitter and dry, and I was finding it uncomfortably familiar. I swallowed hard pushing the lump of sickness  farther down, but I knew that it wouldn't take long before I tasted it again.
So I am proud to say that my WIP is back on track. For now I will call it "The Ansley Files" I don't plan on titling it for a while.
I have been so lost. It is hard for me to balance kids, work, cleaning, and friends with finding time to write. I have made a hard decision though. I WILL NOT WRITE AT WORK! I used to love writing in my spare time at work, but I have realized that I obsess over it when I should be concentrating on growing my own business. I do love my job, and I would hate to be distracted from it, or not put my full attention into my WIP as well.
That being said....I have rewritten my first chapter 10 bagillion times and I have finally found the perfect beginning that I have been fantasizing about for months.
I would like to write at least 3000 words a night (when the kids are asleep).
If I can at least finish my first draft with 55000 words in the next month I will consider that I major success for myself. With it completely outlined and already started, this shouldn't be a problem...we shall see ;)

Loreal is one of the largest companies in the beauty world! They own both redken and pureology (which are two of my favorites), and many other companies that you may not know they own.
In this economy I realize that it is sometimes hard to buy the professional beauty products your hair craves. So if you need to buy shampoo or conditioner from Walmart or Target, buy something made by Loreal. It won't be professional quality, but it will be the next best thing.